Tag: elderberry syrup

How We Keep Our Immune Systems Healthy

by jennaeostrowski on / Family, Lifestyle, Motherhood, Young Living Essential Oils


 It is so hard to be healthy all the time! We all get sick but we don’t have to get sick for super long time! All we need to do is have our “Immune System tool kit” on hand so we are prepared to take down whatever virus heads our way! My girls are not in school yet so they don’t bring home as many germs but we all still get sick. I love natural remedies and using things that help our body fight what we have naturally! I use essential oils, supplements and elderberry syrup to help keep my family healthy! I will provide you with the syrup and gummy recipe we use for our elderberries! I will also share the probiotics I use as well during the dreaded cold and the probiotics I use everyday (when I am not sick). They are also safe for my girls to have too!

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