Tag: second trimester

Second Trimester Update

by jennaeostrowski on / Pregnancy

mommy kissesbaby girl kisses

So now that I hit my third trimester on Saturday I will update y’all on my second trimester! EEk I should be updating better but this pregnancy is just speeding by! I lost track of how many weeks I was and I actually lost a week! This pregnancy has been an average pregnancy for the most part. I had my first midwife appointment on June 8th and baby girl was measuring 25 weeks which I was 25 weeks and 5 days so she is right on track! I am experiencing all the pregnancy norms despite what my pictures show! I am getting those spider veins on my legs, cellulite, and my belly button has popped out around 16 weeks of pregnancy. So now my belly button is like a little tunnel! I also have gained about 15lbs in this trimester and my sciatic nerve still acts up if I have been on my feet longer than usual or if I sit too much 😉

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