Our Weekend Recap
this post contains affiliate links-view disclosure policy**Another weekend celebrating and sharing in great memories with family and friends!
Friday we had a date night with our friends! The couple we went out with our expecting a baby boy in August so we talked babies, babies and more babies 🙂
My | shoes
Nick had a ‘mans day’ on Saturday. He went out to the shooting range with some guys from work. Harlo and I had a picnic lunch outside it was beautiful out! Nick’s boss held a company dinner for the employees and their families! For those of you who don’t know Nick is a plumber for a local company here in Wisconsin. Especially with all the sad and tragic events happening in the world currently it is nice to know that Nick is taken care of at his work and made to feel appreciated for what he does.  After the work dinner we went to celebrate my little sister’s 11th birthday! Harlo | diapers | picnic table | plate
Harlo | Shoes (similar – same shoe but different color)
Oh Sunday how I love thee… we truly had the best family day. It started with Nick and I relaxing together having our own little morning date, to him making a delicious breakfast complete with pancakes–current obsession right now thanks to preggo cravings 😉 We took a family bike ride around town. Harlo loved it so much she didn’t want to get out of her seat or take her helmet off 🙂
my | hat | shoes | shorts (similar)
Harlo | diaper | shoes | helmet
Daddy bought Harlo her first kite! She got to pick it out and she picked a rainbow fish. 🙂 She even got to fly it all by herself until she let it go and the wind just took it across to the neighbors back yard 😉 oops
We couldn’t let #nationalicecreamday pass without getting ourselves some!
Harlo and her ice cream (video)
Hope you all had a great weekend! What did you do?
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