The Heat
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my | shoes| Harlo shoes (clearance right now! )and shirt
Nick’s shoes 50% right now! | tank
Whew! It was a hot weekend! Here in the Midwest we had the highest humidity I feel on record 🙂 This preggo mama was feeling it! Saturday we went to a friends little boy’s 1st birthday party! It made me reminisce about when Harlo turned 1 and I just can’t believe how fast kiddos grow up. We went out shopping and dinner with my sister and her husband! Baby was craving some P.F. Changs 🙂 Sometimes going out with a toddler- I should say most of the time it is challenging. If you all have any ideas of how to keep a toddler happy going out to dinner let me know 😉 Right now I bring my big bag of tricks but doesn’t seem to help. Any advice would be appreciated 😉 my little cutie waving! The high humidity made my hair a bit crazy 😉 my dress is from my mom! I remember when I was little and she would wear it and now I am wearing it 🙂 <3
Sunday we went to breakfast at a Pancake house! Harlo was surprisingly AMAZING there! It was a great morning. We went a little shopping for Nick to spruce up his wardrobe a bit and home to nap and relax! Spent the night in the pool before the rain came 🙂
my | swimsuit | Harlo’s swim diaper
How was your weekend?
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