33 week bump
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I am now 33 weeks along with a sweet baby girl that we now can’t decide on a name for. I was so set on the name Harlo with our first and I thought I was set with this second babe but guess God had other plans 😉 We should have a name by the time this sweet one is born- hopefully 😉 I have been mentioning I have been having sciatic issues it was on my right side but now baby is favoring the left side so my left leg will go numb at times. I have been getting nauseous every morning and not able to keep my prenatal vitamins down. Finding and switching vitamins at 33 weeks—Oh the joys of pregnancy! Seriously though I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
my | dress | hat (old- similar) | chalkboard
At my last appointment with my midwife she said baby is measuring right on track and heartbeat was in the 130’s. I love hearing this little girl’s heartbeat, I just can’t believe the true treasure I have been given to grow and carry another little miracle. (heart emoji x infinity) Her little kicks are getting stronger and stronger. We have been soaking up all the moments of pregnancy and life with a toddler. Slowly transitioning Harlo into big sissy mode by having her take extra care of her baby doll and we are practicing swaddling the baby doll, telling her she will be able to help take care of her ‘baby sissy’ when she comes out. We make sure she knows that with babies you have to always show gentle touches. I appreciate all of the love Harlo gives to my bump! She loves to hug and try and feel baby sissy move around. I would love to know what she is thinking 😉
We have had some hot weather lately so being pregnant in the heat can be tough so I make sure I have my peppermint essential oil and lots of water if I am going to be in the heat for a long period of time! I apply one drop of peppermint oil on the back of my neck. I am always drinking citrus oils in my water to help with swelling. I haven’t experienced swelling with this pregnancy but I also try to remember to walk and do some light stretching to support the circulatory system and helps to reduce swelling if you are experiencing that.
How are my preggo mamas dealing with this heat?
ugh.. sidenote: with my mommy brain I forgot to set my DVR for Bachelor in Paradise 🙁 who saw it what did I miss?
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