My People
This post contains affiliate links- view disclosure policy* Another weekend come and gone. When it’s Friday I feel I have so much time to spend with my little family. Come Sunday night I am thinking where did our time go? My dress| shoes (similar) | Nick| shirt | shorts | shoes | Harlo’s outfit is from Bahamas 🙂A little recap this weekend I am now 35 weeks pregnant with our baby girl! She is the size of a canary melon 😉 Do you all know what that is? I didn’t I had to look it up– for those of you just dying to know it is a yellow elongated melon sometimes referred to as a winter melon and similar to a honey dew melon! Saturday we had Nick’s family picnic. His family is so huge every summer we go to a picnic so everyone is able to see each other and catch up. It was fun mainly because it was at a park so Harlo could just play the whole time! When the toddler is occupied every one is a happy camper 😉
my | dress | Harlo | shirt| shorts | shoes
We love the opportunity for Harlo to spend time with her great Grandpa O 🙂
Sunday we spent the day cleaning, playing, and taking a family walk 🙂 Nick made us breakfast of course! Drinking my coffee I realized I almost can’t see my toes anymore :0 Every morning Harlo watches Barney with her baby. This weekend Nick finished Harlo’s play room which was so exciting for her! We haven’t quite got all the things in there and up on the walls yet but her toys are in there and Harlo had so much fun. She loves playing baby/house right now! She swaddles her baby all the time. Great big sissy in training! We are so proud of daddy for making a special place to play 🙂 couch | swaddle blanket
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Table | tea set
How was everyone’s weekend? What fun things should I put up on the walls of the girl’s playroom?
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