A Weekend Reset
This post contains affiliate links This weekend we relaxed, enjoyed and reset! I love those kinds of weekends where there is true enjoyment and time spent doing nothing but laughing and making memories! my | shirt under $5| leggings| shoes Harlo | shirt | leggings | shoes
Saturday we did a little buy buy baby shopping for baby sissy! I can’t believe how close we are to her arrival! We are currently having a stroller dilemma because I want the UPPAbaby Vista and my husband thinks we should get the baby jogger city select (both convert to double strollers, but my husband wants to save money with the baby jogger option) I honestly like both but my heart has been set on UPPAbaby for so long now. HELP!! I need everyone’s help deciding what to get! 😉 Later for dinner we had my sister over and got to hold, kiss and love on little Penny! Harlo is OBSESSED with holding her! The love she shows is infectious and I can’t wait to have a second little girl so Harlo can shower her with love! Harlo is truly growing into a fabulous little girl and I am so lucky to be able to be home and watch her grow 🙂 Time truly goes too fast and being at home allows me to never miss a moment! Harlo loved having auntie la la (what Harlo calls her) and Uncle Steffen over to play with and show them all her toys 😉
Harlo’s stroller (similar)| diaper | baby doll (similar) Sunday we enjoyed a delicious breakfast made by my amazing husband! Sundays’ have become my favorite day! We took a nice family walk and went to the park! It is so nice we have a park within walking distance of our house! I still don’t get there as much as you would think 😉 Sundays no matter what we do is sort of a RESET for the week ahead! It gets me ready for the week. Also it is a day we Thank God for all the blessings he has placed into our lives. We don’t make it to church as often as I would like but we teach Harlo to pray and Thank the Lord for all we have and the time we spend together! Hearing a toddler pray is seriously the BEST!!! I am trying to get a video of it but she always catches me 😉
Water bottle | baby doll (similar)| snack| wipes
Harlo | shirt (bought at a gap outlet)| shorts| shoes (similar)
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Love to hear about it!
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