Park and Pumpkin Weekend
This weekend Sutton turned one month! I can’t believe it has been 4 weeks since I had that sweet girl! I look back on our first pictures together and just want to enjoy every second good and bad because soon she will be Harlo’s age and then the real tears will flow. Maybe it is the second kid that makes time go even faster. Saturday my sister Justine came over to spend time with us! Harlo monopolizes her and it is adorable to watch their bond grow stronger. I took them to a park to play together and I am so lucky to have Justine run around and swing with Harlo. I strap Sutton to me so especially now since it is hard for me to run around with her. We are still learning and adjusting and Justine is helping the transition for Harlo. Did I mention I was lucky?? 🙂
Sunday we went to a pumpkin farm! This time with my entire family! We love this fall tradition because Harlo lights up seeing pumpkins and trying to pick them all up 😉 I enjoy having my family be able to experience all these memorable moments together! It can be hard to talk and spend time with everyone when we all get together but Harlo just enjoys seeing everyone that it makes it all worth it! We tried a different pumpkin farm this year and it had a fun playground for Harlo! We went through a corn maze and didn’t get lost- something about those mazes always afraid it will just take me in circles and I will never get out 🙂 Thankful for my Baby Bjorn because I strapped Sutton to me and she slept the entire time! She is a great sleeper during the day- it’s night time we haven’t quite figured out yet 😉
Hope you had a great weekend! What did you do?
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