Halloween Weekend
Happy Halloween sweet friends!We trick or treated our hearts out this weekend! Harlo was Barney the purple dinosaur! This was my sister’s costume and she wore it when she was two! Harlo was over the moon to be Barney! Sutton was a pumpkin! The best part of Sutton’s costume was her stem hat 😉 isn’t it just the cutest! She slept through most of trick or treat! Harlo and her aunt Justine went around and really worked for their candy! We went around our neighborhood Saturday night and my mom’s neighborhood on Sunday! Safe to say Harlo got LOTS of candy for her mommy and daddy 😉 I say that because we don’t let her eat the mainstream candy- I switch out all her candy for organic treats ha ha yes I am that mom! I just don’t want her little body getting all those preservatives and chemicals! We stick with those delicious Justin’s peanut butter cups, and YUM Organics brand gummy bears and worms and other natural organic candies I find! Hahaha
Seriously could this barney costume be any cuter!!!! So happy Harlo fit into it 🙂
Sutton is just not sure about Halloween! ha ha ha (my outfit will be on the blog soon!)
I can’t believe today is the last day of October already??? So bittersweet because the time is just flying by but now we are entering the Holiday season and everyone should  know I am obsessed with the Holidays!! I am addicted to watching the Hallmark channel Christmas movies! Have you seen them? Saturday Sutton turned 5 weeks! I plan to do a month by month update on the blog about that sweet girl so I better get my booty in gear before she turns 2 months 😉
We carved pumpkins and Harlo picked the face she wanted on hers! So cute she wanted teeth on her pumpkin! Sutton’s pumpkin we traced her hand and Harlo’s hand and Nick carved out their inital by the handprint! He is a carving genie! ha ha I sat their and looked pretty! Okay I didn’t just sit their I held Sutton so she could be apart of the experience too!Â
More Halloween snaps below! Enjoy! They are simply spooktacular- 😉 ha ha
Cousins! Sutton just like oh mom is taking more pictures! Â Penny makes one yummy candy corn! I could just eat her up!Â
Enjoy your Halloween friends and stay safe!
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