Our Weekend Away

by jennaeostrowski on / Family

Kalahari Resort- family water dayThis was one of my favorite weekends to date! We headed up to the Wisconsin Dells and stayed at Kalahari Resorts! This place is rated in the top 25 hotels by Trip Advisor for 2016. I loved staying at the Kalahari when I was younger and I love sharing the tradition now with my family 🙂

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4 years Married

by jennaeostrowski on / Family

this post contains affiliate links-view disclosure policy**wedding photo shoot

Yesterday was our 4 year wedding anniversary! Seems like just yesterday I was a giddy bride walking down to marry the man of my dreams. Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of walking down the aisle, white dress and everyone watching as I got the wedding ring placed on my finger. These are the moments that get us teary eyed and wanting to go back to that special day.

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Natural Immune Boost using Essential Oils

by jennaeostrowski on / Young Living Essential Oils

This post contains affiliate links- view disclosure policy**Thieves roll on

I have been using Young Living Oils for over a year now and I have come to find that the Thieves essential oil blend is one of my favorites as well as my family’s because it naturally boosts our immune systems and helps us when we are feeling icky. This oil is considered a ‘hot’ oil which means you need a carrier oil which is a fatty nut oil to help dilute the essential oil. I love and use this one but you can also use this one! I buy the Roll on bottles from Amazon or here and use them all the time because it makes applying diluted oils a breeze especially with little ones and how busy we can get!

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All About Those Red, White and Blue Festivities

by jennaeostrowski on / Family

This post contains affiliate links-view disclosure policy*4th of July weekend ready

Fourth of July weekend is here! Today started off with my second midwife appointment for baby girl 🙂 We grocery shopped for our big weekend ahead! Then had to spend the rest of the day in the pool! Saturday we will be celebrating my brother in law’s birthday with a little BBQ at my parent’s house.

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Off the Shoulder Ruffle Love

by jennaeostrowski on / Fashion

*This post contains affiliate links- please view disclosure policy*that mama love

my | dress  

Harlo | sunnies (similar) | outfit (similar) her actual outfit is a hand me down from her aunt Justine 🙂

We are prepping our closets for our 4th of July festivities! Since having a daughter dressing in red, white, and blue has been a highlight of the 4th of July! I found this dress at Chicwish and instantly fell in love with the ruffles and that it is off the shoulder. I wear this dress on repeat because of the fit. Currently I am all about off the shoulder <3 As I shopped around on Chicwish  I couldn’t help myself but fall in love with this and this as well <3

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Second Trimester Update

by jennaeostrowski on / Pregnancy

mommy kissesbaby girl kisses

So now that I hit my third trimester on Saturday I will update y’all on my second trimester! EEk I should be updating better but this pregnancy is just speeding by! I lost track of how many weeks I was and I actually lost a week! This pregnancy has been an average pregnancy for the most part. I had my first midwife appointment on June 8th and baby girl was measuring 25 weeks which I was 25 weeks and 5 days so she is right on track! I am experiencing all the pregnancy norms despite what my pictures show! I am getting those spider veins on my legs, cellulite, and my belly button has popped out around 16 weeks of pregnancy. So now my belly button is like a little tunnel! I also have gained about 15lbs in this trimester and my sciatic nerve still acts up if I have been on my feet longer than usual or if I sit too much 😉

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