Baby # 2 here we go!

by jennaeostrowski on / Family




Finding out we were pregnant again came as a HUGE shock! Okay well we know how babies happen but I didn’t even miss my period when I took my pregnancy test. I initially only took the test to humor my husband because he couldn’t wait for me to get pregnant again. I am always the hesitant, over-thinker. Anyone else like that?

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My Little Family

by jennaeostrowski on / Family

Welcome to That Mama Love!


Here in my first post  I am super excited to introduce myself as Jenna Ostrowski, wife to Nick Ostrowski and mama to Harlo and a little one on the way! We can’t wait to find out what we are having! I am truly blessed to have this little family! I have always wanted a blog but didn’t quite know how others would look at it. Truth? I am NOT the greatest writer  but I have A LOT of thoughts and LOTS to share about my life as a mommy! I decided to forget any naysayers and any doubts and begin my blogging journey. So if you don’t like how I write I will be okay 😉

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