Tag: Christmas


by jennaeostrowski on / Family

Well this weekend was full of Ho Ho Ho’s, runny noses, and snow! Why can’t there ever be a December without the sneezes sniffles and snots? ha haweekends with the ostrowskis We have been running our Young Living diffuser with Thieves and R.C. to help support little Harlo’s nose and boost her immune system! If you want some of these oils head over here! I am hoping Sutton doesn’t get it but after being sneezed on multiple times a day there is only a small window of hope!;) I also have been putting the thieves on Harlo’s  feet with socks, some breathe easy rub from Honest Company and having her take elderberry syrup!! Annnnd following her around with tissues ha ha ha yep I am that mom 😉bench hangs

So our weekend was fast and chaotic pretty much like most weekends! Saturday we went to the mall to see what I say is the ‘REAL’ Santa because it is the same place I went to see Santa as a kid!! I love the tradition. This year Harlo had no tears just smiles for good ole St. Nick and told him what she wanted for Christmas! (a doll carrier that she can wear) We are at that stage where she wants to mimic everything I do! I love it and never want it to change 🙂 Sutton also did a great job she wasn’t phased one bit! Sunday it snowed ALLLLLLLLLLLL day and we played in for a little bit! Embrace what you do not like! Check out my Instagram snap to see!Sutton with Santa Harlo with Santa Harlo and Daddy in the snow Snow funHot cocoaHarlo's Barney ornamentsnowy kissesminted signature blog

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Holiday Hats

by jennaeostrowski on / Fashion

Last night we went out to a local town that has a holiday train come through and performs Christmas music! The train is  decked out with lights and one of the train cars opens up and a band is playing Christmas music and Santa is there too! If it wasn’t so cold we would have stayed the entire time 😉 Harlo has a love for trains right now so she loved watching the train come into town with the pretty lights! It was a fun and super cold event 😉Holiday Train

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