Tag: routine

Bath Time Routine

by jennaeostrowski on / Baby, Lifestyle, Motherhood

Hi Everyone! Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! I loved this long weekend with Nick off and we can just spend time together as a family of four! Harlow and Sutton love when daddy is home to play with them! Bath time is relaxing for us. A time for our girls to play together and wind down for bedtime. Sometimes we take baths during the day just for fun though! In the summer it seems we take baths more often from Harlow playing outside with dirt and rocks,then the copious amounts of  sunscreen because I am so afraid of my kids burning. Oh yeah and the dreaded chlorine from swimming. We normally bathe the girls twice a week. In summer we bathe them around 3 times a week and always after swimming! Therefore dry skin is inevitable and a good shampoo/ detangler for Harlow is also on the top of the list!  Below I listed our bath-time favorites we use!

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